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june favs + july goals

June reflections

what I learned this month:

I'm clearly very bad at writing these on time. time flies by and before I know it, it's almost midway through the month and I think that it's still July 2nd, so that's where I'm at in life.

you know how I said I wanted to rest more in June? I'm also bad at taking my own advice. after running my marathon and traveling through Portland, I jumped right back into working out and teaching like I hadn't just run 26.2 miles.

and honestly, I felt fine... until I almost passed out while getting a facial. consequences of not enough rest. if you've ever felt like you could fall asleep whenever, that you're constantly tired, watch out for adrenal fatigue. I slept from 6pm to 6:30am that night, and woke up feeling infinitely better, but still weak.

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I took the rest of that day to unwind like crazy after I taught — treated myself to a smoothie, made myself lunch, and spent the rest of the day lazing about in the sun.

after that, I took special care to slow the F down. sometimes it takes being broken down a little bit and a huge scare to force yourself to listen.

what I learned this month: 

I'd like to say I learned a sh*tton at BlogHer, but truth is, apart from living it up at the Waldorf Astoria, it was less of a learning experience and more of a chance for me to imbue myself with the spirit of blogging. I revamped my blog and learned more about my self-worth — i.e. not being afraid to ask for what I want, hustle, and try and monetize things. just trying to be transparent — I do blog for me, for you, and everything is still authentic, but $ is always appreciated... think of yourself as a business.

what I'm proud of this month: I ran a frickin marathon.

June favorites

what I’ve been loving:

smoothie bowls (it's hot AF in Boston) — both homemade and purchased

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sales — Aritizia has been a lifesaver for "real people clothes"

Natural Calm — I've been drinking this before bed and I love it

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soaking up the sun — I've been spending more time laying out in the sun and at the beach

snacks protein-rich snacks are so important for preventing hangriness

coffee and CorePower Yoga — I got the chance to do a 6am Yoga Sculpt class along with trying out Bizzy Coffee's coffee shots, and it was some of the most fun I'd had at a workout class in a while.

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July goals

here are my goals for July:

  • self-care: exfoliate 2x/week and use a face mask 2x/week
  • blog: publish a blog post every week
  • health: sleep at least 7 hours/night & take at least 1 rest day/week
  • writing: write something for yourself every single day, even if it’s only for 5 minutes
  • life: find a routine that works and settle into my full-time job
  • personal development: find what makes me uncomfortable, and go do it
  • finances: save money whenever possible — eat out less, for one!

what I'm excited for in July:

want to read my last monthly favorites? check it out here.