where to find the best Moroccan food in Britain

Basically, this post centers around one of the best meals I've had in my life — Moroccan food at Al-Farid in Exeter.

I'm obsessed with trying new cuisines. Middle Eastern/African/Mediterranean food is one of my favorites, but I've never tried Moroccan food before. This place got rave reviews from the half of the group that went for dinner on the first night, so a group of friends and I decided to try it for our second night in Exeter.

Upon walking in, you feel like you've walked into someone's living room. We sit down on the couches at a low table and peruse the extensive menu.

After wanting to order literally everything on the menu, we decide to split a shared platter of lamb kebobs, chicken kebobs and lamb sausage, hummus and pita, and a duck salad.


The meat platter was absolutely delicious. I much preferred the lamb over the chicken, which was a little dry, but everything (including the root vegetable couscous and trio of dips it came with) was spiced to perfection. And hummus is always good.

The duck with pomegranate molasses was underwhelming. It was mostly salad and not enough duck.

Two of our party got baklava to split for dessert; I was fortunate enough to try a bite. It was drizzled with chocolate, which was interesting, and pretty good as well.


Not to push the next meal into the shadows though.

Ever got the feeling when you really, really want a crepe? We did.

So we got crepes for lunch at Gourmandine Crêperie after finding out the crepe truck we wanted to go to was currently at the university (aka too far away to walk).

We were waited on by a gorgeous Italian guy, and decided to share 3 crepes: a Nutella + banana crepe, a buckwheat crepe with homemade sausage + goat's cheese, and an apple + caramel crepe.

When our food came, we were 100% happy with our choices.


And I'll leave you with this: a pic of my elderflower fizz martini from the first night. Elderflower's really only found in drinks in Europe, which is a shame because it's delicious.
