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the "UnGym" AKA the new gym concept that's taking the world by storm

Hey guys! A lot of you have asked me what workout class I’ve been posting on my Instagram & stories when I’m not at boxing or yoga, and I’m super excited to announce that the founder and owner of the gym (or rather, “UnGym” — more on that later) has written a guest post telling us all about it. He has an amazing story that reminds me of how much fitness and a vision can change someone's life.

Before we get into all the good stuff, I wanted to share why I love it.

I’m honestly a workout class junkie. As a former competitive athlete, I like structure. Routine. People creating something for me. I’m a personal trainer and fitness instructor, sure, but most of the time I would rather take someone else’s class than create my own workout.

Strength training is something that I’d also prefer someone else to work with me on because correct form is so important. As someone who also has had knee problems (no more marathons for me!) and ankle problems, I needed something that was low impact.

Enter BURNIN’ By Ray. The first time I walked in, I honestly thought I was in a club (not that I'm complaining). And honestly, I would 100% rather be in this place than any club, any day. The music is fantastic (a must!), the energy is insane, and every single person welcomes you like family.

Every workout I’ve done, from the motorless cardio 1.0 to the strength training-based 2.0, has left me feeling like I’ve given it my all but not overly exhausted (important!).

OK, so enough about me. Let’s get talking about what exactly BURNIN’ By Ray is, from the one and only Ray Peleckas himself...

BURNIN' By Ray is the new breed of healthy lifestyle studios that is going to take the fitness world by storm. Plain and simple, our “UnGym” concept will change your life.

How? Our varied service offerings provide a holistic path to wellness, making us different from your standard fitness center.

Your life will change because you will actually see improvements in your body composition, health, lifestyle, nutrition, strength and your mindset. These are just some of the components of your life that will be impacted by our multidisciplinary approach to wellness.

Before I go into greater detail about our services, it’s important for me to explain how we came about the concept in the first place...

The Story

Rich Rowland, our Director of Fitness, and I wanted to provide ALL of our clients with the benefits of personal training but at an affordable price.

Both Rich and I have personal training backgrounds and know that a programmed and personal approach is very beneficial to a client’s success. But after several years of working as a trainer at Boston Sports Club, I decided to leave and take on a more personalized approach to personal training.

Why Not Personal Training?

It’s not realistic and accessible for most because of:

  1. Price. Not many people can drop the cash for a $100-175 session. If a person does personal training, then typically it is only 1-2 times/week and then nothing else during the week.

  2. Frequency. As the cost of personal training is prohibitive to most people, it remains the responsibility of the client to do workouts on their own. Simply to maintain your current physique, you need to do physical activity > 3 days/week. To actually see progress, a person needs a structured program involving cardio and resistance training 4-5 days/week and do it consistently week after week.

  3. Accountability. The accountability with a trainer typically ends once the session is over. A trainer can’t monitor exercise and nutrition outside of sessions. Nutrition is just as important as the exercise program; however, most trainers do not provide nutritional counseling outside of the basics. Thus, most people are left to seek their own nutritional information and to keep themselves on track.

  4. Professionalism and expertise. Many trainers are not equipped with the proper training and education. Personal training is an easy field to enter — many trainers never continue to develop professionally by continuing their education. There is no state board and no standardization to accredit a trainer.

Rich and I recognized the personal training issues above, yet also knew there was still a need for programmed and personalized solutions at an affordable price point.

And so the BURNIN’ by Ray concept was developed, built to address these issues and provide a safer, more effective, affordable, and personalized workout.

The Program

The BURNIN’ by Ray program consists of a consult, a physical assessment (body composition test using the Bod Pod, movement screen, and strength test), and discussion of client goals.

A plan is then created for the client based on the results of the assessment, plus the consult and goal; this includes exercises, a customized workout schedule based on the client’s objectives and availability, and nutritional guidelines tailored to the client’s needs and lifestyle goals. Clients are reassessed every 3 months to gauge the effectiveness of the program and adjust a member’s plan accordingly.

The Classes

At the core of our BURNIN' by Ray offerings is our signature 1.0 motorless cardio class.

Bursts of high intensity cardio on self-powering motorless gear paired with video guided strength training that alternates on a monthly basis create a steady, low-impact burn that is accessible for people of all levels and ages.

Whether focusing on the core, upper or lower body, a sweat session consists of 12 varying sets; each targeted motion is performed for 40 seconds, followed by 20 seconds rest, culminating in a routine that hits precisely 48 minutes.

The video guidance allows trainers to spend more time with the clients that need assistance with modifications, proper movement patterns, appropriate weight selection, and overall workout education. Within this system, clients are able to practice and fine-tune their movements and make considerable progress within a month’s time.

In addition to our 1.0, we also offer the 2.0, which is solely focused on video guided strength training. There are no cardio pieces, just low impact tension training that rotates through 3 different workouts within one month. Participants of this class receive all the benefits of heavy weight training without lifting heavy weights which means less impact on the joints.

The Benefits

Our innovative system allows us to map out a specific course of action for our clients based on their lifestyle goals. Members receive all of this for just $20 per class, a fraction of the cost of a personal training session plus all the extra assistance.

This comprehensive approach to wellness includes better eating habits, better mood, better sleep, and a new and improved outlook on the role of fitness and nutrition to one’s overall health.

In addition to all of these life-changing benefits, the member also becomes an integral part of a thriving and supportive community that remains vital together. Our members trust in the expertise and knowledge of our trainers, which allows us to enhance their lives both inside and outside of the club.

We are constantly evolving our fitness offering to provide our members with cutting-edge services that address a person's wellness needs in a holistic manner. We emphasize the importance of the connection of the mind, body, and spirit in wellness.

It is impossible to create a complete lifestyle change without realizing benefits in each of these areas.

We are changing the game and forging a new category in fitness with our UnGym offering — providing our members with an avenue to achieve comprehensive wellness via our workouts, our community, and our supplemental services in nutrition and diagnostics.

We want to light a fire within each person that walks through our doors. This fire is the desire to live well for yourself and for the people in your life.

At BURNIN’ By Ray, we want you to remember that you are essential.

You matter to those around you and you make a difference in their lives. You need to be physically fit, mentally present, and whole of heart.

It’s hard to do alone. We provide deep expertise and a supportive community to help you realize your potential. We support you. Join us either at our Belmont location or our soon-to-be-opened Seaport location.

Let’s be vital. Together.

If you want to take a free first class, you can sign up here!

Ray and his team are also offering a special deal for my readers/followers — 10% off a 10, 20, or 50 class pack at their soon-to-open Seaport location. Use nancy10 at checkout!

All video and images property of BURNIN' by Ray.